This time was real fun ! Propagation was there, and in general all band was plenty of people… 3A is always an interesting Callsign, and people reply you very easily ! Then, when somebody spot you on the cluster .. well.. at that point you can esily reach the 200 call/hour, as is happened !
Considering that I just used 100 watt as was not allowed to “go heavy” I am pretty happy ! And still, I am always the “one man band” … at the end of the story I have made almost 1000 qso, mostly in SSB and some in FT8.
About FT8, it was a challenge, as I got a lot of trouble as the PC did not want to “talk” with my IC706… no idea why.. at the end I decided to bring with me a second radio exclusively for making this mode… I have understood that lot of people was interested to have the 3A on FT8. So this time the Shack was my Radiobag as usual (here an article on this) for SSB operation, and my ICOM 7300 + Raspberry PI for FT8 Operation. I am working to prepare a Raspberry PI able to manage LOG, CW operation, FT8 Operation… stay tuned !

But, as I really love challenges, instead to use the PC to make FT8, I had with me a Raspberry, in order to have less weight and stuff to bring out.. and it was a nice success ! It was not easy to let work the Raspberry for this mode, but at the end I did it. For sure I will gogin ti implement this part of my Setup… Raspberrry is smaller, lighter, and Linux works MUCH better then Windows, you can never espect bad suprise with that.
At the end, it was a positive Dx Pedition, with nice open window in the afternoon on 10 meters, that allow me to work Sud America quite easily… the point that I had at disposal to place my Rybacov give access to NORTH and SUD, completely close to EST from the Hotel building, and to WEST also partially close by a big hill right in front.

Now I am already thinking to the next one, probably I will come back in Monaco with somebody, and I will get the upper lever room, with 2 balcony, which allow me to put the antenna in the upright position, and not at 45 degrees as I have been forced to. My Rybacov Antenna was in a real “fishing rod” position.
Qsl Card available direct, buro or Clublog right here !!
See you from the next one !