• 22 Ottobre 2024 23:05


An Italian Radioamateur Station


I had 16 years old when I was invited by a friend of mine at his house to see “a fantastic present he got” …. it was a CB transcever, and I remember I spent a couple of hours with him, trying to get some contacts ….

When I was back home, I start asking to my father if I could also have a CB station … few days later, he came at home with a big box, containing my first transceiver, a valvular Tenko 23+ AM. 

Then came the problem to put the antenna … the place I was living at that time, did not allow me to build an external antenna … so another friend (Giovanni IK1AWS) help me to build a little dipole for the 11meters and we put it on the balcony of my apartment. The surprise was big when, after few calls, somebody start to reply me …

After few months, I was taking part a group of about 7/8 persons that every day was spending some time having contact throw CB … One years later, with more people and with the help of some adults, we start a CB CLUB … 

A couple of years later I got a CONCORDE II from Ham International, and I discover the DX World … DXing start to be my mainly interess, and till today is still like this … what a nice surprise having contact with other CB operators from all Europe, and when propagation allows, from US and South AMerica as well, Asia and other far places !!

In 1991 I was a ” navigated” CB with already 5 years experience, and I decide to look forward and have the access to the next level … the HAM license !!
And in 1992 I definitely get it ! I well remember the great emotion opening the green envelope from the Post that by letter was informing me about my call: will be IK1TTD !
The first HF Transceiver I used was a FT7B from Yaesu Musen, gave me from my friend Mauro I1WNB….  just 5 Watt, and as antenna now I had a Inverted V Dipole for 10-15-20-40 meter hang on the roof of my new house.

Few month later I definitely buy my first HF Transceiver, and I choose a Kenwood TS 140S … 

Next step, after the entry level TS 140 S, I’ve got a Kenwood 450 S-AT, which I’m still using and is still fully operational.

In 2013 I found the Transceiver I dreamed during all these years … was with a very interesting price, and in few minuts I decided to get it ! Now on my shack it is arrived the new guest star !! The Kenwood TS 950 SDX !!!  It was the last Top Level Transceiver from kenwwod until in the 2012 they start producing the TS 990 ! Another planet, another concept, another price !

Recently I bought a radio from a new generation…. I fall in love with this few years ago, when I saw this beauty in my Club… I am talking about the ICOM 7300… for sure not the same feeling of my main station TS950, but really a nice toys…. plug and play to my pc’s station.. I use this for CONTEST and DIGITAL MODE.
