A very interesting tools is what you can find at QSCOPE.ORG
It is a free tools made from Yannick Devos ZL4YY that allow you to upload your adif log and have instantly showed an umbelievalble number of statistic, graphics, sheet and informations….
I discover this few months ago, and as I am really fanatic for statistics, this tools it is perfect for me; it is possible to load one log for free, and if you need to load more it is requested a contribution.; and I was very happy to send mine, as in this way I can load my general log, and also other logs for more specific use….
For example, recently I just uploaded the log for my CQ WW DX CW Contest done in November……. it is so interesting checking all information about a specific event, like a contest a DX Spedition… and much can be learn from these numbers !
In the first page of the Statistics & Charts Package you see some numbers that give you and general impression of the event you did.

Of course as bigger is the file you upload, as much detailed will be the result ! Another nice features, it is the possibility to choose if keep the statistic just for you, or instead, let everybody see your statitstics.
There is a specific page where everything is public showed, and stillyou can check if your Callsign is in the log.
See my complete log here.
If you want to have a complete view, you can see my Statistic right here and better understand the real potential of this tools ! Enjoy !!